Made a new banner for my blog but in true blogger fasion it dosent show except in the template section when I hit the preveiw button. I'm hoping it's a small clitch and it will be fixed soon. Off to bed for me.
Sep 15, 2006
Sep 12, 2006
I Just Look Dead
Well I,m back for my vacation and me and my wife had a blast. My neice had fun as well despite just wanting to sit on the beach ah kids. Any way I did some sketching and this one is my favorite.
I'll post more of me sketches soon, for right now I'm getting my portfolio with animation put together for a demo reel exchange at my alma mater. As always comments are appreciated
I'll post more of me sketches soon, for right now I'm getting my portfolio with animation put together for a demo reel exchange at my alma mater. As always comments are appreciated
Aug 15, 2006
On Vacation
Aug 11, 2006
Playing with Photoshop
Took a scribble I made on a post-it and played with a photo-shop tutorial on painting I got from Heri. Hes a cool guy in Ca that will no doubt be working in animation soon. Any-who this it it and heres the blog address for Heri's blog. I'd couldn't get his name to be linked with his blog so her it is.
Any comments you might have would be great
Jul 31, 2006
First Cartoon
Edit: Here is the colored version, please let me know what you think of my color choices.
This is the inked version of my first cartoon. One of my goals is to get better a cartooning. One of my biggest obstacles has been "What to draw?" well I was sitting in front of the blank page getting pretty pissed off over my current finances and it hit me. Writers should write what they know artist should draw what they know. This is what came out after a few thumb-nails. Please any comments or critiques would be very helpfully.
The colored version should be done by tonight with any luck.
Thanks in advance
Jul 26, 2006
30 Minute Anatomy
Jul 23, 2006
New TMNT Movie
I found this link from Mike Manley's blognew trailer for the new 3D Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie coming out next March. I can't wait for this to come out. Just from the trailer the modleing looks good and the action is fluid and not stiff as some CG flicks have been in the past but will have to see in March.
Jul 20, 2006
Ruff animation second pass
I worked on the extremes some more and changed the frame rate from 24 frames to 20 to slow it down. Any comments are welcome. Thanks
Jul 19, 2006
Tea Time Scene 1 Ruff Pass
This is the reason I haven't posted in awhile. This is the first scene in three of a teapot. Please all comments welcome
Jun 29, 2006
More Caricatures
Sketchbook 06.29.06
Today's sketches the girl I liked after filling some pages of a legal pad while at work came up with this one during lunch.
The bunny rabbit was just a speed doodle playing with shapes and putting them together. I liked the expression on his face and decided to keep him. To me he looks like a earl or stanly LOL. Let me know what you guys would call him.
Jun 28, 2006
Jun 22, 2006
Look mom it's Matt
My first caricture, over at the Drawing Board they have a section just for Caricures and this month's thread is Matt Damion. To get better at drawing and character design. I spent 2 minutes studing one of the pictures then set a timer to 5 minutes and drew. My goal is to become better at character design through carictures, this is the one thing besides animating that I enjoy doing very much but feel I don't have the skills to persue it yet. Well thats it for me talking back to the egg timer. Night
Skecth Book 6.21.06
What can I say I put a fire under my ass and will just keep posting as much as possible. My day job is becoming more and more frustrating in the pointless taskes I perform. Each day I try to invent new things for myself to keep busy just to have none of it matter. I quiet literally get paid 8 hour day for 3 hours of real effort the rest sketching through post it notes trying to make sure I look like I'm busy. Yeah poor me boo-hoo. The second doodle is how I felt because of heartburn.
Jun 21, 2006
Jun 20, 2006
Pencil Sketch of a painting
I'm taking a second stab at gouache painting and came across this old concept artwork from school. It was something I did in alternative animation class. I took this sketch and redraw it on big newsprint and then erased and redraw on the same sheet to make the animation. The animation came out muddy but I liked the piece enough to keep.
My Sketch Book 6.20.06
These are the sketches I did while at work today. In an effort for myself to get better at design. I have taken to drawing with a pencil that has it's eraser cut off and then quickly going over the lines with a fine point sharpie. The sketches in red are actually from sunday. As always any comments are fine.
The kid eating ice-cream is my favorit.
The kid eating ice-cream is my favorit.
Jun 15, 2006
Freelance Work
Life Drawings 06.14.06
Jun 9, 2006
Getting serious
Welcome to the new home for my online portfolio. I will have the old artwork form my old site reformatted and posted soon.
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