Jul 31, 2006

First Cartoon

Here is the colored version, please let me know what you think of my color choices.

This is the inked version of my first cartoon. One of my goals is to get better a cartooning. One of my biggest obstacles has been "What to draw?" well I was sitting in front of the blank page getting pretty pissed off over my current finances and it hit me. Writers should write what they know artist should draw what they know. This is what came out after a few thumb-nails. Please any comments or critiques would be very helpfully.

The colored version should be done by tonight with any luck.

Thanks in advance


Jul 26, 2006

30 Minute Anatomy

In Rebecca Kimmel's website I saw her drawing of the rib cage and set my egg timer to 30 minutes and this is the result. I'm just trying to get better at anatomy. Please all comments welcome.

Jul 23, 2006

New TMNT Movie

I found this link from Mike Manley's blognew trailer for the new 3D Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie coming out next March. I can't wait for this to come out. Just from the trailer the modleing looks good and the action is fluid and not stiff as some CG flicks have been in the past but will have to see in March.

Jul 20, 2006

Ruff animation second pass

I worked on the extremes some more and changed the frame rate from 24 frames to 20 to slow it down. Any comments are welcome. Thanks

Jul 19, 2006

Tea Time Scene 1 Ruff Pass

This is the reason I haven't posted in awhile. This is the first scene in three of a teapot. Please all comments welcome