Dec 20, 2008

Death of a Car Battery

Well this past week my car battery decided to die. So I decided to sketch the event.


Dec 16, 2008

X-mas card

I did this yesterday at lunch and threw some color on it in photoshop. With all the things that have been keeping me stressed. This is as close to a handmade x-mas card I'll be able to make this year.


Forgot to add some color to the penguin


Dec 15, 2008


Did this lunch time doodle couple weeks ago but never got the time to post it.




Dec 9, 2008




One more Elephant

Wow it's Tuesday and what am I still doing up?! I'll tell ya I have a one year old that rules me with an iron binkie but hey I love the little imp. Got one last elephant to post from days past.


Dec 8, 2008

Heads of a Hundred

Welcome again loyal audience, I've been drawing alot of heads in my pocket sketchbook lately and decided to post one a day for a hundred days. I know nothen new other artists have done this on there blogs but this time it's me doing it. All so if you go over to my sketch blog you can see all the other silly and fun things I've been doodling. So without further anticipation. Here is head one of a hundred.


Dec 7, 2008

Memory Sketch

This past week I decided to try something that artist that I admire do on there blogs. It's called a memory sketch, Stephen Silver has talked about this often. What you do is find a spot be it the mall, coffee shop, bookstore or whatever spot people are and watch people. Then when you have found someone that looks interesting, you try to focus on how they look. There walk, there cloths, are they happy, sad and then you draw them later. Stephen Silver likes to do this at lunch time and when he gets back draw that person. My memory sketch was from last Thursday when I was driving home from work. I had fun doing this and want to do more, so expect more memory sketches from me and who knows before long I could be working as a character designer on some new cartoon show. My memory sketch is of an old black man that was walking down the street wearing a bright purple trench coat and brown bowler hat.
