Jul 30, 2011


Spent last night playing with Crayola Clay with my son and these are the two little men we made. Mines the little blue one. We both had fun but His clay is starting to harden up. I told him on Sunday we would go out and get him some new clay. I like this stuff because it doesn't stick to the carpet and it's reusable.


Jul 29, 2011

Brush Pen Sketch

I did these on Wednesday but wasn't able to post them because of a nasty storm that came in and knocked my houses power out for close to 24 hours. I've said it before but it bears repeating that I need to draw more from people around me and also to use a ink pen or brush pen and to go for the gesture and pose of the person and to find the character. These however are from waiting to pick up my son from his aunt's house.


Jul 22, 2011

Caricature from drawingboard

Hi again, I found out the the websitehttp://www.drawingboard.org is back up and running. After surfing the site abit I went to the Caricature page and drew this is about 3 minutes. Feel free to leave a comment.


While looking at the quick sketch I did, I did not like the path the right eye or screen left eye look. It was too flat. So I redrew the construction line for the way the ref photo was looking and drew the eyes again but this time I don't like his nose. Ah well it's getting late and I need some sleep. I'll more then likely revisit this and take my time of ten minutes instead of 3 minutes to work on the shapes better. 


Jul 18, 2011

How time flys

Man I was on the internet looking at other artists blogs and falling into that same trap of I wish I was this or that about the artist's work I was looking at when I came across one artist talking about how long they had been at it and how many followers they had now. I had one but my lack of posting more than likely drove the person away (ah well). The point is I have been putting out my art and thoughts for five years now and I have learned a few thing since then and forgotten even more! The real lesson I have relearned is to have fun. So what if I have visitors to my slice of the world wide web. As long as I am having fun drawing, animating and talking about art, movies, comics and anything else that really get's me talking, then that's all that matters. Last Wednesday I spent my lunch break on a cool website for drawing reference with my phone called  http://www.pixelovely.com/gesture/index.php. This site is great because for me I get self concise trying to draw people around me for fear that they know what I'm up too and are going to rip my head off verbally, I know it's by no means substitute for drawing real live anything "In the Moment" but it helps. Anyway here are the quick sketches I did from the site.


Jul 17, 2011

I made animation

I have a lot of books and tutorials and software to create and make art and animation but I don't use any of them. I have a small bedroom in my house where I keep all of this stuff and call it my office or studio. Mostly it's a big mess that never gets used but today I made some animation. I took my little Bamboo PC tablet and started drawing in Digicel and then recorded my voice to make this under a minute of silliness. Now since I drew these pictures and made them move I am now an animator!


Jul 8, 2011

Airfest Postcard

Been working on making a postcard from photos I took at this years airfest. I still need to work on the text.
